Sarah Meltzer is a woman, an artist and a special and amazing heroine that I got to know thanks to a hysterical project called Happy Hour Happy Hour by Generation to Generation.
Thanks to a project we first brought together as two artists, Me and Sarah meet every week, chatting, studying, spending time and even creating together.
The project has people of all fields and ages and the idea behind it is ingenious to me.
In addition to having a lot to learn from her, Sarah met me with the kind of love I did not get to know, and I am grateful to her and project for it.
So let me finish with two questions you can ask yourself: What are you doing for your dream?
What do you give the world of yourself?
Personally, I believe that each of us must find at least one thing that we regularly dedicate to ourselves for the good of the world. I am lucky because I found something that also gives me so much back that I feel I have to pay someone for it ... but don't give up and look for what suits you!
and most importantly:Don't give up on your dreams! Link to the article